
Showing posts from June, 2020


Assalamualaikum and welcome here :) UPU result have been out and maybe some of you came here because you got surat tawaran for the above course. Like you, I've been wander around internet to find information regarding this course but most are from back in 2016. So recently, the syllabus has been updated started from 2018/2019. So there might be change to some subject that you would learn. I wouldn't tell in detail apa tu mikrob semua sebab most of you here already read it a 100000 times dah and yes there will be a lot of use of microscope which is a win for a nerd like me hehe. Its the only diploma of microbiology in Malaysia and terletak dekat Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. Kawasan dia macam pendalaman sikit sebab dari luar signboard UiTM nak masuk pintu kampus tu dalam 5-10 minit ikut pecutan kereta masing masing ha gitew. But korang takkan menyesal la study sini sebab udara dia nyaman gila + kabus tebal + penuh bunyi nature + langit cantik gila lagi lagi time maghrib ...